Friday, May 29, 2009

Today when I was waiting bus at bus station, I saw a Indian couple. The Indian girl was crying and something bad might be going on. The Indian boy took out his phone and said something (didn't hear clearly because the boy talked very soft) then came the girl screaming "Don't do that...don't do that...don't". The girl grabbed the phone from the boy. The boy couldn't do anything so he held the girl's hand and said something again.( i didn't hear what he said again because he really talked very very soft). And this time the boy was able to make the girl laugh. And of course the girl's tears had stopped. I smiled too at that moment. I don't know why but I just smiled. On the way back to home, they two talked happily and laughed and laughed.

May god bless those new couples and those couples who have problem because it's not easy for two people to be together. And do appreciate the people you love like your family, your friends or even your wife/husband before you lost them.

-The end- (Maybe there are some grammar mistakes...Do correct me if there is any mistake)

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